The CPEAEx has the purpose of updating and expanding knowledge of Politics, Strategy and High Administration for staff officers and enabling non-staff-officers to hold positions and functions of Major General and Brigadier General. The course is held at the Army Command and General Staff College, top level school in the Brazilian Army, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Urca district.
SECTION III - Teaching and its Objectives
Art. 40. The objectives of CPEAEx are:
I - to update and expand the knowledge about politics, strategy and high management, for the military and civilians assigned to carry out the course;
II - to enable the military to occupy positions and perform duties as an adviser to the senior administration of the Army and to enable the promotion of the general officer up to the position of Lieutenant General for posts where the qualification of the Staff Officer is not required), as provided by specific legislation;
III - to prepare officers for high-level advisory to the upper echelons of the Army, Ministy of Defense and Executive Branch.
- 1º The CPEAEx is intended for Brazilian Army officers, who are volunteers.
- 2º At the discretion of the Army Commander or the Chief of Staff of the Army, officers from other armed and national forces, representatives of organs, institutions or public or private organizations may attend CPEAEx, upon a proposal from ECEME to DECEx, via DESMil.